Tuesday, June 12, 2007

ESRI Mapping Center

A friend that is part of the Master's program at the University of Redlands pointed me in the direction of a little known ESRI web site called the Mapping Center. It's run by a former classmate of mine from Oregon State University, Aileen Buckley. The website has a blog and features some cool tips about ArcMap and Cartography. I saw Aileen give a presentation at the ESRI User Conference in 2005 and it was chock full of wonderful cartography tips.

So far the Mapping Center only has a few posts, but I'm looking forward to more great things to come from this page. I recommend bookmarking it!

While you are there check out the "ArcGIS Resources" tab for downloadable styles and toolboxes, including the Swiss Hillshade Toolbox that I saw Aileen demonstrate at the 2005 ESRI User Conference.

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